Online Safety

In light of the recent media concern over dangerous online challenges please see the NSPCC’s advice in keeping children safe from all risks online.

Ski Trip 2019

Here are some of the photos from our Ski trip to Loon Mountain USA over the February half term. It was such a fantastic trip, loved by all! A big thank you goes out to the staff who organised the trip and the students who all behaved impeccably. More photos and videos can be found…

Incident Report 13/02/19

Dear Parents and Carers We have notified students this afternoon through their period 5 class teachers of the following incident: A member of our school has reported being followed on her way home from school yesterday by a white Mercedes Sprinter van. She sensibly called a family member while she was walking so that they…

Mock Exam Timetable 2019

Year 11 students have their mock exams in March, starting on Monday 4 March and lasting for two weeks. You can find the timetable below. Students who are studying Dance, Drama, Music may have exams outside this window that their teachers will let them know about. Students who study German will also have a German…

County Lines

West Midlands Police have asked all Sandwell schools to send out a letter regarding County Lines, a growing issue nationally.  The idea is to ensure families know what signs to look for.  Please take the time to read this letter.  In brief please let us know if you spot any of the following signs……  …

Anti Knife Programme

Further to the letter that you received on Friday 11th January, please see the attached film from BBC News about this initiative that West Midlands Police are rolling out across Sandwell Schools. We are happy to support this scheme to ensure that the profile of knife crime and the dangers of it are clear for…