Following Ofsted’s visit to Oldbury Academy on 24 January 2019, we are pleased to write that the report notes that ‘senior leaders are taking effective action to tackle the areas requiring improvement identified at the last section 5 inspection in order for the school to become a good school.’ The report says that leaders know the school well and that they are determined to improve the life changes of young people, as well as recognising the improvements the school has made. The report commented on ‘strengths seen within middle leadership’ and praised faculties such as Mathematics and Sport for their particular good practice. Ofsted noted the ‘increasing work with other schools to collaborate, quality assure and share good practice, which is having a beneficial effect’. A ‘greater pace of improvement across the school’ was also recognised.
Perhaps most pleasingly, Ofsted praised the school for having ‘an ambition for high-quality teaching and learning’ which ‘lies at the heart of the school’s mission’ which was demonstrated through pupils work, much of which was ‘clearly stretching pupils’ thinking and which they took pride in’. The inspector noticed the school had a ‘calm, purposeful atmosphere’ where ‘relations between pupils and teachers are positive’. The report praised students for being ‘polite and personable’ and noted that all pupils ‘said this was a safe school.’ Older pupils recognised the positive differences that the Headteacher has made since taking the post in 2016. Praise was also given to leaders who have responsibility for attendance and behaviour as ‘attendance at school has improved’ whilst ‘there have been reductions in external and internal exclusions’.
As always, the report has given us some areas to improve further, and leaders at all levels are now considering the next steps to drive the school forward further. A full copy of the report is available below, and if you have any questions about it, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at school.
Mr Philip Shackleton
Head Teacher