If you believe you are eligible for assistance with Free School Meals the process for checking this is as follows:-
- Click on the link and make a formal application via Sandwell MBC.Once you have complete this application you will receive an email/correspondence to either confirm that you are eligible or, no you are not.If you are eligible, the local authority will contact the school and the school will then activate the account so that you child will have access to funds on their electronic lunch system.Be aware these funds do not go onto the account until 12.00 each school day, if they are not used then the money is withdrawn and will not be re-issued. The following day an amount will be allocated again.If your child spends under the amount issued, then this is also not carried over as the school are charged in full.
- If you have received correspondence from Sandwell saying you are not eligible and you believe this is incorrect then you need to contact them, not the school.
- If you are in the country and have No Recourse to Public Funds, a separate application can be made on the following link. The school will contact you direct about this application.