It is with huge pride that I welcome you to Oldbury Academy, a school who will work tirelessly to support your child become the very best version of themselves that they can be.
My belief is that all children should be surrounded by people who believe in, care for and champion their success. Working alongside parents and carers, we offer the platform and opportunities for each and every child to flourish and believe that happy and healthy children succeed.
Working closely with our families is essential to ensure positive outcomes, our amazing and dedicated team of teaching and pastoral staff are always available to support in any way possible.
A child’s academic progress is essential in unlocking opportunities, which is why the expertise of these incredibly dedicated and hardworking staff means children will be given an amazing base from which to develop their love of learning in a wide range of subjects.
Just as important to all at Oldbury Academy, is the unwavering desire to help our students find their place in the world, developing the skills and values to ensure they are responsible, respectful and caring young people.
With consistent levels of support and challenge in partnership with you as parents/carers we will guide your child to be all they dream of.
Pupils at Oldbury Academy demonstrate the highest standards of care, respect, tolerance and
co-operation, and we take great pride in our community. Our ethos of CARE underpins every decision we make, and students are always at the centre of everything we do.
Pupils who make good choices will be recognised, rewarded and celebrated, whilst we will support and challenge those students who fail to meet our high expectations.
I am passionate about securing the best for our students and can not wait to meet and share this vision with you.
Mr B Morley