Key Stage 4 results 2024 (Provisional)
Progress 8 score: TBC
Attainment 8 score: 40.78
Percentage of students achieving grade 4 – 9 in Maths and English: 57.3%
Percentage of students achieving grade 5 – 9 in Maths and English: 36.0%
Percentage of students entered for the Ebac 47.5%
Percentage of COHORT achieving the Ebac (Grade 9-4) 26.7%
Percentage of COHORT achieving the Ebac (Grade 9-5) 10.6%
Average Points Score for the Ebac 3.60
Percentage of students achieving a grade 4 in Maths 62.3%
Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 in Maths 40.7%
Percentage of students achieving a grade 4 in English 69.7%
Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 in English 54.7%
Performance Tables
Have a look at the school performance tables here.
Where do our students go?
Our 2021 KS4 destination percentages are as follows: