What will you find here?

This part of the website will provide you with the information you need regarding any mock or public examinations that are upcoming. Whilst this will mostly apply to year 11, information regarding our End of Year examinations, for all year groups, will be published here too.


How can you help your child revise for their exams?

Here you will find information about revision techniques, methods and strategies. Still stuck? Get in touch with your child’s Head of Year!

Students gaining 4 - 9 in English and Maths

2024: 57%

Students gaining 4 - 9 in English

2024: 70%

Students gaining 4 - 9 in Maths

2024: 62%

Key Stage 4 results 2024 (Provisional)

Progress 8 score: TBC

Attainment 8 score: 40.78

Percentage of students achieving grade 4 – 9 in Maths and English: 57.3%

Percentage of students achieving grade 5 – 9 in Maths and English: 36.0%

Percentage of students entered for the Ebac 47.5%

Percentage of COHORT achieving the Ebac (Grade 9-4) 26.7%

Percentage of COHORT achieving the Ebac (Grade 9-5) 10.6%

Average Points Score for the Ebac 3.60

Percentage of students achieving a grade 4 in Maths 62.3%

Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 in Maths 40.7%

Percentage of students achieving a grade 4 in English 69.7%

Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 in English 54.7%


Performance Tables

Have a look at the school performance tables here.


Where do our students go?

Our 2021 KS4 destination percentages are as follows:

Pupils staying in education 83%
Apprenticeship 3%
Employment 2%
Pupils not counted as staying on education or employment 11%
Destination unknown 1%