If you would like a paper copy of any of these documents, or any other information on this website, we will gladly provide you with this.

Please contact the school office [email protected] to request this.


Freedom of information

If you have any queries relating to Freedom of Information

please contact Ms Adele Wilden, Headteachers PA [email protected]

“Our policies are always being updated, please ensure you are viewing the most up to date versions”

File Size Last Modified Download
Biometric Consent Letter 722.26 KB 13/06/2024 Download
Child Friendly Privacy Notice 905.20 KB 20/05/2024 Download
Freedom of Information Publication Scheme v1.2 Mar 24 209.29 KB 14/05/2024 Download
Subject Access Request v1.0 Mar 24 187.88 KB 14/05/2024 Download
Hire of Premises 2024 - 25 910.88 KB 14/05/2024 Download
Pupil Allergy Policy 304.26 KB 08/05/2024 Download
Cyber Response Plan 974.65 KB 07/05/2024 Download
Whistleblowing Policy 248.65 KB 20/12/2023 Download
School Uniform Policy and School Rules 2024 - 25 550.58 KB 05/12/2023 Download
Accessibility Plan 648.68 KB 12/01/2024 Download
Stour Vale - Proposed Admissions - Oldbury Academy 2025 - 26 800.64 KB 29/11/2023 Download
Public Sector Equality Information and Objectives 765.98 KB 14/11/2023 Download
Admission Arrangements 2024 - 25 602.67 KB 23/10/2023 Download
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy 776.45 KB 19/10/2023 Download
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report 748.80 KB 19/10/2023 Download
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions 628.24 KB 19/10/2023 Download
Children with health needs who cannot attend school 644.96 KB 19/10/2023 Download
Behaviour Policy (Our Behaviour Curriculum) 554.38 KB 08/05/2024 Download
Stour Vale Academy Trust Complaints Policy_v.1.2 Sep 23 899.32 KB 18/10/2023 Download
SV - Protecting Biometric Information policy 201.35 KB 18/10/2023 Download
Appropriate policy document for special category and criminal offence data 194.38 KB 18/10/2023 Download
Freedom of Information Policy 152.66 KB 18/10/2023 Download
Stour Vale Academy Trust Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy October 2023.docx 1.16 MB 12/10/2023 Download
Careers Policy 711.26 KB 04/10/2023 Download
Careers Provider Access Policy Statement 694.56 KB 04/10/2023 Download
Privacy Notice - Governors and Volunteers 2023 - 24 375.53 KB 14/09/2023 Download
Privacy Notice 2023 - 24 Pupils 837.11 KB 14/09/2023 Download
Stour Vale Academy Traust Managing Low-Level Concerns Policy 594.02 KB 12/09/2023 Download
Admissions 2023 - 24 673.39 KB 26/06/2023 Download
Data Protection - GDPR 174.56 KB 08/05/2024 Download
Charging and Remissions 304.90 KB 08/05/2024 Download
OA Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism Policy 2022 - 2023 672.06 KB 03/05/2023 Download
Zero Tolerance 626.47 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Health and Safety 658.28 KB 15/05/2024 Download
Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural 611.13 KB 03/02/2023 Download
RSE Policy 938.51 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Pupil Intervention 659.06 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Homework 647.58 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Sexting and Offensive Material 644.78 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism 672.09 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Medication 626.18 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Looked After Children 633.76 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Learning Partnership Agreement 795.37 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Health and Safety 734.67 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Equality 852.50 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Environment 588.80 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Email 724.80 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Curriculum 729.61 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Communication 562.69 KB 03/02/2023 Download
CCTV Policy 620.33 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Attendance Policy 740.73 KB 23/05/2023 Download
Admissions 2022 - 23 669.68 KB 03/02/2023 Download
Offsite Visits Policy 683.48 KB 03/02/2023 Download