Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
If you are concerned about a child please consider…..
Call 999 – if they are in immediate danger
Contact Sandwell children’s social care on 0121 569 3100 (this number is available outside normal office hours)
Contact the NSPCC helpline 0808 800 5000
If you would prefer to let us know we have set up a specific email – [email protected] or call the school on 0121 533 3750 and ask for the Safeguarding Lead.
Some places to get support….
Kooth ( & Beam (– Offer online (Kooth) and face to face (Beam) counselling for young people struggling with mental health. Free, no need for appointments.
Childline – 0800 1111
Black Country Womens Aid – domestic and sexual violence support – 0121 553 0090
We have access to several services and can provide more specific places to get help, let us know what you need.