From 18 March 2019 to 21 March 2019, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will carry out jointly a re-visit of your local area following the previous inspection that took place between 16 January 2017 and 20 January 2017.
The re-visit will evaluate how effectively leaders have addressed the areas of serious weaknesses detailed in the written statement of action (WSOA).
During the re-visit, Ofsted and CQC inspectors will be keen to speak to as many children and young people and their parents and carers as possible, specifically about the weaknesses identified in the WSOA.
How can parents and carers contribute their views during this local area re-visit?
The inspectors will gather the contributions of parents and families through an online survey and a face-to-face open meeting. The focus of the online survey and open meeting will be set by the inspectors and will be based on the WSOA.
Parents and carers who would like to take part in this survey can follow this internet link: The survey will open at 12 noon on Monday 11 March 2019 and close at 12 noon on Friday 15 March 2019.
Parents and carers can submit their contributions via the online survey using the link provided above.
An open meeting, which will focus on areas identified in the WSOA, will take place on 18 March 2019. Parents and carers can contact their local Parent Carer Forum / SENDIASS (0121 500 4010) to request details of how to be part of the discussions between parents and carers and the Ofsted/CQC re-visit team.