Oldbury Academy Special Education Needs – Information Report 2016/2107

Oldbury Academy works in conjunction with Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council to ensure that the best possible outcomes are achieved for all SEN pupils and their families.  This is outlined in the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council SEN local offer which can be found at: www.sandwell.gov.uk/send


Admission Arrangements

The academy’s admission arrangements operate in line with Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council procedures. Further details about our admissions arrangements can be found on our website:


If your child has chosen the academy and is already in receipt of an Education Health Care Plan, the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator will liaise with Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council Special Educational Needs Service/Inclusion Support to ensure a smooth transition and any specialist provision can be planned and implemented swiftly. The academy follows the Sandwell Transition Plus Pathway. Prior to choosing the academy, parents are welcome to come into school and meet with the SENCO to discuss the child’s needs to ensure that the academy has the right level of provision. This is highly recommended.

Who are the SEN team?

Along with a number of learning support assistants and learning support practitioners, the SEN team is made of the following key people:

Deputy Head Teacher Pastoral – Pete Davis

SENCO – Nicola Newey-Burridge

SEN Secretary – Debra Powell

Chair of Governors – Sally Harvey

The SEN team have a variety of expertise that ensure all pupils receive high quality support. The SEN team regularly deliver whole staff training so that teachers are confident in teaching pupils with special needs. The SENCO also has an advisory and support role for staff. There is also close liaison with the pastoral teams and the Learning and Support Centre (LSC).

What is the approach to teaching pupils with SEN and what changes are made to the curriculum and environment?

In line with the SEN Code of Practice 2015, the academy believes that, “all teachers are teachers of pupils with special educational needs.”

The academy adopts a “graduated approach” that places quality first teaching at the heart of all lessons. A variety of activities and resources allow individual pupils to access the curriculum and make progress based on their individual needs.

Where appropriate, subject areas may choose to follow a different scheme of work for lower ability and SEN pupils. In addition, SEN pupils will be taught in smaller groups and for the majority of these classes a learning support assistant will be present.

In line with the academy’s accessibility policy, equal opportunity and disability policy, reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that all pupils are able to access the facilities within the academy. The building is made up of four floors and are fully accessible by lifts. There are also fully accessible toilet facilities, along with a medical room situated on the ground floor.

Where appropriate, pupils with disabilities are provided with lift passes and toilet passes. Where there are medical conditions of a physical or sensory nature that affect motor skills, pupils will be provided with a laptop and supporting equipment during lessons so that all pupils have real access to learning opportunities in every lesson.

How are pupils identified and assessed?

Early identification of pupils with SEN is a priority. The academy considers broad areas of SEN which include:


  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)
  • Learning and cognition
  • Speech, language and communication (SLCN)
  • Medical (including sensory and physical)


We use appropriate screening and assessment tools, and determine pupil progress through:


  • Discussions with teachers and support staff
  • Their academic performance
  • Literacy and numeracy testing
  • Dyslexia screening
  • External Agency assessments
  • Records from primary schools and primary liaison
  • Our Transition project
  • Information from parents
  • National Curriculum results at Key stages 2, 3 & 4


What additional support is available for SEN pupils and their families?

The academy offers a wide range of internal and external additional support for SEN pupils and their families.  For pupils, this includes:


  • Additional help and support by subject teachers through a varied  curriculum;
  • Appropriate schemes of work to be delivered in curriculum areas;
  • In-class support with a learning support assistant or learning mentor;


Specialist structured intervention programmes delivered in a less formal learning environment, these include:

  • Speech and Language
  • Mentoring
  • Educational psychologist
  • Pastoral Support
  • Anger management
  • Emotional Support
  • Literacy and Language Support
  • Dyslexia and dyspraxia support
  • Numeracy support
  • Academy Nurse
  • Alternative provision
  • Sensory Support
  • Communication and Autism Team




For families, this includes:


  • External provider liaison officer
  • Parent partnership via local authority
  • Social workers
  • Health care professionals


How is effective is the SEN support and how is it monitored?


The academy tracks, monitors and evaluates pupil progress and interventions using a provision map. The provision map includes:


  • Pupil names
  • Termly academic levels for core subjects
  • End of Key Stage data
  • Intervention descriptors
  • Entry and exit dates
  • Staff accountable for support


The SENCO carries out regular monitoring of lessons, pupils’ work and testing information to ensure that pupils are making progress and the support is effective. This is done every half term in line with the academy’s data sweeps.


How are individual pupils tracked and monitored?


Pupils who receive additional support have an individual pupil profile (IPP) that details their strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes, strategies for teachers to use in lessons and three personal targets. The IPPs are reviewed termly with both the parent and pupil to check that targets have been met. If targets have not been met, the level of support is amended. If no progress is made after three terms of support, the SENCO and relevant external agencies will consider making an application for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Parents are involved throughout this process.


What happens if a pupil has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)?


The EHCP replaces the statement of special educational needs. An EHCP covers ages 0-25 and is agreed by the local authority. The grounds for an EHCP are one or more of the following areas of need:


  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and/or physical needs


A pupil with an EHCP will also have an IPP. EHCPs will be reviewed annually with the SENCO, parent, pupil and external agencies.


How are pupils and parents consulted with, involved in and encouraged to take part in reviews?


The academy believes that a close working relationship with parents is vital in order to ensure:


  1. Early and accurate identification and assessment of SEN leading to the correct intervention and provision


  1. Continuing social and academic progress of pupils with SEN


  1. c) Personal and academic targets are set and met effectively


The academy welcomes feedback from parents all year round and parents can make an appointment to speak to any member of staff, including the SENCO, throughout the year for any reason.


Parents and pupils are invited to parents evening and raising achievement events progress review days   to discuss progress through academic reports and to discuss and review termly IPP targets. Pupils are involved in the reviews and agree their own targets. Likewise, parental views are recorded as part of this process.


In cases where more frequent regular contact with parents is necessary, this will be arranged based on the individual pupil’s needs. The SENCO may also signpost parents of pupils with SEN to the Local Authority Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Information, Advice & Support Services (SENDIASS) where specific advice, guidance and support may be offered.


How are the views of pupils listened to?


The academy values pupils’ views and opinions and has an active Junior Leadership Team. On a daily basis, pupils are able to discuss their views or feelings with their form tutor, student welfare officers, heads of year and the SEN team. For SEN pupils, the SEN team operate an ‘open door’ approach.


How are SEN pupils supported during times of transition?

In order to prepare pupils for transition to key stage 3, in addition to the local authority transition day, targeted SEN year 6 pupils are invited to attend the transition project during the summer term. As part of this programme, pupils are introduced to key members of staff and they have the opportunity to experience and ‘have a go’ at activities. During this time, the SENCO meets with the primary SENCOs to discuss the pupils’ needs. This is done as part of the local authority’s Transition Plus Pathways Programme.

For transition from key stage 3 to key stage 4, all year 9 pupils and parents are supported to make the appropriate choices regarding options as a result of the academy’s ‘raising achievement monitoring’ meetings.

Throughout year 11, all pupils meet regularly with the careers advisor. For SEN pupils, the SENCO meets regularly with the pupil, the parent and the advisor to ensure the right pathway is chosen into post 16 education. Furthermore, the SENCO accompanies the pupils, if required, to post 16 provider visits.

What measures are taken to promote positive relationships and prevent bullying?

In order to promote positive relationships the academy runs a broad-balanced PSHE curriculum.

At the academy, we expect high standards of behaviour and conduct. We encourage our community to be supportive of one another in everything they do. We promote a safe, caring and supportive learning environment which allows students to reach their true potential. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone; it is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Any incidents of bullying will be dealt with immediately, recorded and monitored by the pastoral team.


We also offer a lunchtime space/’safe haven’ for vulnerable pupils to build effective relationships.


How does the academy promote inclusion?


All pupils are encouraged to form relationships with peers. This is done during form tutor times, break and lunch times. Throughout the year, pupils also take part in a variety of workshops such as Loudmouth, where they have to work in groups and build communication skills and show respect to others.


Who do I contact if I am unhappy or want to complain?


In the first instance, all SEN enquiries and complaints should be made to the SENCO and Deputy Head Teacher. If the issue cannot be resolved, further contact should be made with the principal and chair of governors.


Who can I contact to discuss SEN further?


Further details are available from:

Nicola Newey-Burridge (SENCO)

Oldbury Academy

Pound Road


West Midlands

B68 8NE

Tel: 01215333750

E-mail: [email protected]