Thank you to all parents who have supported our drive on attendance and punctuality. Attendance this year has improved when compared to last year and is currently above the national average, which is down to the hard work of students and families in ensuring that learning is always our priority.
A DFE report, released in 2016 (The link between absence and attainment at key stage 2 and key stage 4: 2013 to 2014 academic year), shows the clear link between the quality of outcomes at the end of Year 11, compared to the the number of weeks of absence across Years 10 and 11.
It is not just about Key Stage 4 though. Every absence in Years 7-9 (and throughout primary school) impacts on knowledge and skills that are needed to succeed academically and also the opportunity to develop those wider character traits and qualities that employers look for!
As you will know from our communication, we value punctuality just as highly as good attendance at Oldbury Academy and we want to ensure all students are in good habits, in readiness for further study and employment. We shared the following with our students to help ensure they both understand the importance of good punctuality and some tips on how to achieve it!